Tuesday, June 29, 2004

just to confirm that i am the most blogg-active clubber! congratulation Heine on the new "Heine.can.Beer.com" can you deliver my reward to ramallah? ;-)
how is it in the kitchen?

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Seems like Dima is the most blogg-active clubber. So she gets the rewards from Heine.can.Beer.com this week. One bottle of Bavaria.

Con grats

In other news - Li gets the new title: ÞVOTTAKONAN

See ya!

hoi! it's me again.
i just forgot to send you greetings from RAMALLAH :p
(but never mind, there is always something i forget to do)

Hello Clubers!!
now that i'm here, what's up over there? it's been quiet for a while in the blog..
it's 'so nice' being here again!!
so? anything to say??

Monday, June 21, 2004

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

it didn't work to send them all together.. :p Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

what about these pictures? Posted by Hello

now - let's not fill it with pictures just like that - or is it??

I like this more

may it work this time ;)

Hi ! I'm testing - testing testing

Hi again!

I made minor changes to the club27 blog - hope you like it if not - make another post or just make a comment here below to the right ! right

see ya

Well - I don't even know how you managed to publish pictures through blogger - well done! And nice pics - Dima should post one or two of her thousands of pics

see ya