Friday, February 20, 2004

Hello all!
I wanted to share this with you, it’s about the activities related to the separation wall’s case in front of the International Court of Justice, in the Hague the 21st &23rd of February.

To know more about the separation wall, lick on any of the following links:
- (the grassroots Palestinian anti-apartheid wall campaign)
- (The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories)
(the Palestine monitor, the voice of civil society)
- (Israeli peace block)
- (electronic intifada)

To know more about the activity, just go on reading, the invitations follow.

In case you are interested to participate, I’ll be there ;-)



Symposium 21 February 2004

“ The Wall in Palestine: illegality and consequences”

On the 23rd of February the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague will open the hearings on the Wall that Israel is constructing on Occupied Palestinian Territory. The hearings will take place in the context of the United Nations General Assembly’s request to the ICJ to urgently render an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the Wall.
Internationally, the construction of the Wall has triggered a great deal of indignation due to its large-scale and grave violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people. The political consequences are unequivocal: the large-scale annexation of Palestinian land will undermine the chances of a viable future Palestinian state.
Prior to the start of the hearings by the ICJ, the Netherlands Stop the Wall Coalition and the United Civilians for Peace have organized a symposium together with PENGON/ Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. The symposium will focus on the legal aspects and humanitarian consequences of the Wall. The programme of the day is as follows: the route of the Wall will be illustrated. Legal experts will discuss the Wall in terms of international law. Palestinian victims will describe the impact on the daily lives of those affected. Politicians will be invited to present their views. There will be opportunity for debate with the public. In an audio- visual side programme, a photo exhibition and documentary material pertaining to the Wall will be shown.

Date: 21 February 2004
Time: 11.00 till 19.00
Location: Vrije Academie, Paviljoensgracht 20, The Hague (NL)
Entrance fee: € 5
Language: English

Reservation required before 19 February
United Civilians for Peace: Tel: 030- 880 1539/34 or

23 FEBRUARI 2004, The Hague

Today the International Court of Justice in The Hague will open the hearings on the illegal apartheid wall on Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The Netherlands Stop the Wall Coalition together with PENGON have organised:

13.00 – 14.00hrs: PROTEST GATHERING at “Plein”
14.00hrs: DEMONSTRATIVE MARCH to The Peace Palace
14.30hrs: VIGIL At the Peace Palace

From 8.30 on an official delegation consisting of specially invited guests will represent the organization at the Court entrance

Stop de muur!
Stop the wall!
Stop de bezetting!
Stop the occupation!
No justice - no peace!